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Gut Health/ IBS  - Premium Package

Had enough of feeling bloated and blocked up, or running to the toilet, struggling with your gut health / IBS type symptoms? 

You're not alone!


Busy lifestyles, eating on the run, extra stress, not eating the right food for you personally,  are all contributing factors, BUT.........


IBS symptoms have  been linked to 2 main causes, eating foods that you are intolerant to and the miscommunication between the gut and the brain (for example too much stress or anxiety) causing added sensitivity and creating havoc within our bodies. 


Here at Ambe Wellness, we can address both of these! 


Our unique 4 week Premium Package, includes a food intolerance test, helping identify if you are indeed fighting your food (yes even healthy food!). Food intolerances can appear at anytime of your life - even if you have always eaten the offending food(s).  The test is pain-free, non-invasive, (not a needle in sight!). Your results are immediate and you will be supplied with a copy of them to take home with you. The test is face to face at our Therapy room based in Walpole Cross Keys. (

*please note that food intolerance tests are not suitable if you have a pacemaker fitted. 


Following the test, you will receive 3 weeks of gut directed hypnotherapy sessions.  

Here we address the gut /brain miscommunication side of things. Your gut and brain are constantly sending messages backwards and forwards and if these are interrupted, it can create havoc in our bodies! Powerful gut directed hypnotherapy is able to address the issue at its root, creating  a calmer gut response.

In addition, you will be provided with a download for you to listen to at home.


Hypnotherapy sessions are totally bespoke for you as one size doesn't fit all.  The total cost of the Premium Package is £325.  To ensure consistency and your commitment, all 4 appointments must be pre-paid.

*Please note when booking online, that the first session will be shown on the bookings page. Weeks 2, 3, & 4 will be arranged during your first appointment. 

*It is always advisable to consult your GP initially, if you are experiencing gut issues, to rule out any underlying conditions.

Gut Health / IBS - standard package 

If you are already aware of foods that you may be intolerant to and would just like to proceed addressing the gut/brain connection using gut directed hypnotherapy; we offer a standard package for you! 


Here we will be  focussing the attention to address the gut /brain miscommunication side of things.  Your gut and brain are constantly sending messages backwards and forwards and if these are interrupted, it can create havoc in our bodies! (Stress and anxiety play a huge part here). Powerful gut directed hypnotherapy is able to address the issue at its root, creating  a calmer gut response.


The standard package consists of 3 weeks of gut directed hypnotherapy, available face to face or via Zoom. In addition, you will be provided with a download for you to listen to at home.


Hypnotherapy sessions are totally bespoke for you as one size doesn't fit all.  The total cost of the Standard Package is £255. To ensure consistency and your commitment, all 3 appointments must be pre-paid.

*Please note when booking online, that the first session will be shown on the bookings page. Weeks 2 & 3, will be arranged during your first appointment. 

*It is always advisable to consult your GP initially, if you are experiencing gut issues, to rule out any underlying conditions.

Virtual Gastric Band

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Weight loss is not an easy process which is why some people are opting for surgery to have a gastric band fitted. 

I offer a Virtual Gastric Band for clients looking to lose 2 stone or more.  This is a very effective weight loss programme that  works with your subconscious mind, making  you will believe that you have actually gone through the real medical procedure in a hospital. You will believe  that you have had the gastric band fitted, greatly reducing your stomach capacity.  

Unlike the real operation, you will not experience  any of the pain, recovery time or after effects of anaesthetic. 

In clinical trials, the Virtual Hypno Gastric Band has scored a 95% success rate against 80% success with the actual operation!

This programme consists of 4 hypnotherapy face to face (or video) appointments.

1 X 90 minutes followed by 3 x 60 minute weekly sessions and a download to listen to at home.  To ensure consistency and your commitment, all 4 appointments must be pre-paid. The total cost is £375.. 


*Please note when booking online, that the first session will be shown on the bookings page. Weeks 2, 3, & 4 will be arranged during your first appointment. 

If you have less than 2 stone to lose, please see my weight management options below. 


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"I want to give up smoking, (vaping or e cigarettes) and have tried everything from patches to willpower and nothing works". Prehaps you're looking to be free from the financial and health implications that smoking has over you?

Using a powerful blend of NLP coaching and hypnosis, we will work together towards your goal of finally being a non-smoker. Our popular programme consists of 1 X 90-minute session and a download to listen to at home. The total cost is £150.

If you are truly ready to make that change, book now. This can be either face to or via a video call. 

Today is a great day to give up smoking! 



Most people will experience a level of anxiety at some point in their life. This may be something you've been holding onto for years, or something new. It can have a massive impact on relationships, career, health and wellbeing. It can feel become a never ending, vicious circle of feeling frustrated and that there is no way out.

Hypnotherapy is extremely effective for anxiety as it works with your subconscious mind, identifying the cause and triggers.  

Combining the powerful blend of hypnotherapy, using the highly effective REWIND technique, together with NLP,  we focus on breaking down the negative thought patterns and reprogramming them towards  positive, ones

Choose from either the standard package or premium package.   


Standard package:- an initial discovery call, 3 hypnotherapy sessions (either face to face or online) and a FREE download at a cost of £240. 


Premium package:- an initial discovery call, 3 hypnotherapy sessions, 2 coaching sessions and a FREE download as a cost of £340.


*Please note when booking online, that the first session will be shown on the bookings page. Weeks 2 & 3, will be arranged during your first appointment. 


If you're ready to experience the freedom of a clear, calm mind, feeling more confident and relaxed, then contact me. 

Weight Management

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"I just can't lose weight; I have tried everything", "I can't stop snacking in the evening", "I reach for food when I'm bored or emotional". Does this sound familiar?

Most diets rely on willpower. This is great, until your willpower runs out or is put to the test. 

Losing weight is more than willpower alone. Our beliefs around weight loss, body image, food and being healthy sit deep within our subconscious levels of thought. 

Hypnosis can be a truly effective way of challenging (and changing) any unhelpful beliefs we hold that are stopping us from losing weight.

By using an effective mix of NLP and hypnosis, we aim to help you reach your specific goals, feel more confident about your body image and have a positive, healthy relationship with food. 

Our bespoke weight management sessions are carefully prepared, for clients ready to make that change and reach their happy, healthy weight. 

We feel it is important to be flexible with weight loss sessions as one size does not fit all. We therefore start with a 90 minute session - £125 with further sessions (if needed) - £85 each. 



Menopause – the gift that never stops giving!

Our menopause programme has been designed to address the unique challenges women face during menopause. This package combines effective hypnotherapy techniques and our innovative Hypno Patch* to address the unique challenges women face during menopause. We aim to empower you to embrace this transition, supporting this transformative phase of life.   Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a renewed sense of well-being. Take the first step towards reclaiming control of your menopausal experience today.

This programme consists of 4 hypnotherapy (face to face or video) appointments.

1 X 90 minutes, followed by a 3 further 60-minute appointments. In addition, you will receive a download to listen to at home. The total cost of this is £375.


**Please note, when booking online, that the first session will be shown on the booking page. Weeks 2, 3, & 4 will be arranged during your first appointment.

*Hypno Patch is copywritten by Ambe Wellness Hypnotherapy

Relaxation and Stress


Our stress levels are affected by many different factors, professionally and personally every single day. Each of us tolerate stress differently and “cope” the best we can, so much so that it can become the “norm”. 

Being affected by high levels of stress over time has a huge, negative impact on not only our minds but our health too, such as our immune system, headaches, mood, no energy (to name a few). This can create a stress snowball effect, getting bigger and bigger if not stopped in its tracks.

Hypnotherapy is fantastic way to rebalance and reset, an opportunity to give your body and mind the reset that is needed. “Take care of your body, you have no-where else to live”. 

Hypnotherapy is a well-known relaxation therapy and has been used successfully for 100s of years, which can dramatically reduce stress levels even after just one session. Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, ready for the day with a clear head and ready to tackle the day. 

Our relaxation sessions are available either face to face or online via a video call. 

Fears & Phobias

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Suffering from a fear or phobia can be often misunderstood and written off as silly. However, it can feel VERY real and can take over your daily life causing an immediate intense stress reaction to certain situations or objects. There are a vast range of fears and phobias that people can suffer from, such as heights, public speaking, flying, illness, insects, animals, the list is endless. 
Hypnosis is very effective with treating fears and phobias. By simply accessing your subconscious mind and removing the learnt, stressed reaction that you have and replacing it with a new, calmer response.  



Many people can find approaching any type of test frightening. However, when it comes to a driving test, this can be particularly terrifying. 

The fears associated with the test itself and perfectly normal; however, if you are too nervous and fearful this will increase the likelihood of making mistakes, creating a vicious circle of negativity and self-doubt.  This fear sits firmly within your sub-conscious mind.  By reducing your nerves and feeling calmer, you are in the best position possible to prepare for and pass your driving test.

Hypnosis works with your sub-conscious mind, easing your negative emotional response to your test; leaving you feeling calmer, more positive, and relaxed and ready to tackle the test with greater confidence.

Our driving package is available either face to face or via a video call and consist of 2 bespoke, 60 minute appointments at a total cost of £175. 


*Please note when booking online, the first session will appear on the bookings page. Your second session will be arranged during your first appointment.


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Approaching and sitting any type of exam can be frightening. Adding the extra pressure that the results of these exams can determine your future and you have the perfect recipe for feeling terrified and full of self-doubt. 
Although the initial feeling of fear is completely normal in these circumstances, if it gets the better of you, it can create a spiral of negativity often leading to panic and making unnecessary mistakes.

This fear sits firmly within your sub-conscious mind.  By reducing your nerves and feeling calmer, you are in the best position possible to prepare for and pass your exam.  Hypnosis works with your sub-conscious mind, easing your negative emotional response to your exam; leaving you feeling calmer, more positive, and relaxed and ready to tackle the exam with greater confidence.

We pride ourselves on offering a powerful mix of NLP techniques with hypnosis therapy to help you gain the results you want. Our exam package is available either face to face or via a video call. Our package consists of 2 bespoke sessions, at a total cost of £175.   If you are ready to take control of these exam nerves, then give me a call. 


**Please note when booking online,  the first session will appear on the bookings page. Your second session will be arranged during your first appointment.

Nail Biting

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There are many reasons why people bite their nails and chew at their fingers. This is an unconscious habit which takes place often without you even realising it. Trying to stop this habit using just your conscious mind (your willpower) alone can be extremely frustrating and ineffective. Hypnosis taps directly into your unconscious mind and works with changing the pattern of this unwanted habit allowing your nails to grow healthy and strong. 
If you are really looking to grow your own lovely, healthy nails and be really proud to show your hands off, then this is for you!

Food Intolerance Test

Are you fighting your food? Frustrated with food diaries? Fed up with over the counter short term "fixes"? 

Food intolerance symptoms can look cause symptoms such as....

  • Feeling bloated

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • Fatigue

  • Skin Complaints

  • Weight many more!

Food intolerances come in many different forms and can dramatically affect your quality of life. This may occur in random flare ups or be a constant part of your life. Either way, it's not much fun. Here at Ambe Wellness ( we are able to offer you a food intolerance test at our Therapy Room, based in Walpole Cross Keys. The test is pain-free and non invasive. You will receive instant results that you can take home with you. 

The test will last approximately an hour (depending on how many questions you may have). Food intolerance tests - £75 each.  


*Please note that food intolerance tests are not suitable if you have a pacemaker fitted. 


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Free Consultation

Fancy a chat? Why not book a free, 30 minute call with me?  You have the choice of either a video or telephone call. It's a great opportunity to ask questions and discuss what you're looking to achieve. Clients always comment on how valuable they found this initial contact.

 It will be lovely to hear from you :)

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